Crew and Technical
We ´CAN DO´ for you
Over the past century, Rjukan has built up unique expertise geared to tackling both normal – and extraordinary – practical situations. Visit Rjukan is your point of contact, and we can help you access this expertise that has been shown to be an advantage in large film productions, to include needs such as:
IT and broadband excellence
Temporary construction and engineering expertise
Lighting, electricity, special needs for the project
Road control, closings, openings.
Contingency plans
Extras and ´Fixers`
Here is just an example of some of the resources available to you when you bring your film project to Tinn Municipality:
Norsk Hydro is the foundation of Norwegian industry, and Rjukan is really where it all began when Sam Eyde came here and secured water rights, which signaled the beginning of the 2ndIndustrial Revolution – hydropower.
The largest employer in the region, Norsk Hydro and its employees have been active supporters of different film initiatives in the region in the past several years. With their portfolio of buildings, installations and equipment, the company has traditionally had a very strong alliance with major film productions here.
Pål Thorud is the Director of the Såheim Power Station in Rjukan, the world´s largest upon completion in 1915 and part of the Rjukan-Notodden World Heritage, the largest and most powerful in the world for years. Built stone by stone by the nomadic workers known as the ´Rallars´, this momental structure quickly became known as the Såheim Opera as a result of the ‘singing’ of the turbines.
This is a gateway to a labyrinth of tunnels and underground facilities that will open your eyes to new creative possibilities. This structure is truly an ode to the beginning of the 2nd Industrial Revolution that began here in Rjukan - and is a wonderful object to be used in film. Såheim itself is a work of technology, architecture and art combine, and in itself is work a trip to Rjukan.
Såheim Director Pål and his team welcomes you to Tinn and Rjukan. Contact Visit Rjukan for a presentation of Norsk Hydro facilities related to both Såheim and other Hydro locations the Film Rjukan Region.
Brødene Alseth A-Ø (The Alseth Brothers AS)
A family entrepreneurial company specializing in engineering and construction, Brødrende Alseth are located in the village of Atrå, just outside of Rjukan along Tinn Lake. Established in 1939, they have been long respected as a solid company that is one of the mostexperienced entrepreneurial businesses in the district.
Brødene Alseth have worked closely with several of that last major productions that have taken place in Tinn. Their local area knowledge was a great advantage for filming and production, The Snowmanand The Saboteurs (Kampen om Tungtvannet).
Brødrende Alseth combines this experience with well-qualified employees and a modern machine park. They deliver top qualitythrough modern EDB-based management tools, high productivity employees, and modern machinery the company are serious and quality-conscious contractors in their field of expertise.
Tinn Energi AS is the regional supplier of electricity, and has supplied extraordinary services to several films here. Notably, when ‘The Saboteurs’ needed ‘a moon’ with moonlight high up on Gaustatoppen, Tinn Energi was there to make it work.
Tinn Energi also supplies a high-speed fiber network that will exceed your needs. This is one reason that the film crew from Film Kamarantene – one of the most respected in Europe – extended their stay by many weeks to film more than planned in the region when filming Saboteurs. Simply put, they were able to film by day (and night) and then were provided the IT capacity to do their post-filming activities with ease.
The company has an area license for power grid within the boundaries of Tinn, supplies electricity to residents and businesses in the municipality, manages the municipality's licensing power, as well as builds and owns a high-speed fiber network for the delivery of television and internet.
Tinn Energi AS is owned by the municipality of Tinn and has 40 employees and 140 million in turnover, one of the cornerstone companies in Tinn. Director Andres Sætre and his team welcome you to the Film Rjukan Region.
Norwegian Industry Museum (Vemork)
Once the world’s largest hydroelectric power plant, and later the world’s largest producer of heavy water, in 1943 the Hydrogen Production Factory at Vemork was the target of Norwegian commandos who successfully destroyed the heavy water production facility may have brought Adolf Hitler the atomic bomb.
Now the site of the Norwegian Industrial Workers Museum, Vemork is a veritable gold mine of information as both a UNESCO World Heritage Site as well as information from the Second World War.
Contact us for a photo presentation, and of course take a look at the Film Rjukanwebsite and learn more about Rjukan-Notodden UNESCO World Heritageand of course the Heavy Water Heroes– where the actual basement where the saboteurs completed their historic assignment on that dark winter February night in 1943.
NIA works closely with Norsk Hydro, your location may be deep in the mountainside, and it is there that both technical and practical solutions will be necessary. What a world will open up to you inside the Tunnels and Cavernsof these mountains in the Film Rjukan Region.
NCC Rjukan, led by Espen Faane has a saying by use 365 days a year - ´We can fix this, anyplace and anytime´. Naturally, they are an important part of of film projects large and small as they keep the roads open and safe for you – or close them if you need this for your film project.
These operations here are part of NCC, an international engineering and construction corporation specializing in roads, tunnels, bridges, building and other major projects. In Here in Tinn Municipality – the Film Rjukan Region, NCC has the responsibility of keeping the roads open and safe all year round – in some of the most difficult terrain and weather conditions found anywhere.
Rjukan headquarters includes the operation and maintenance of county roads in Tinn municipality and parts of Vinje, Hjartdal and Notodden municipality. The contract includes walking and cycling paths along the highways, as well as associated side areas, equipment and installations.
Tinn Municipality supports all film activities in the region, with both the Cultural Department and the Technical Resource Division have the background, experience and resources to work with you as a film production unit.
Rjukan and Tinn Municipality are alive in culture and activities all through the year. In addition, the Tinn Culture Department works with Film Location Rjukan to engage the local population in support of film projects as ‘extras’ and in volunteer positions.
In addition, the Culture Department will act as your go-between regarding technical requirements, putting you and your team in direct contact with the Technical Support Division for assistance that may include limited access to a part of the town where you might be filming, technical assistance and other practical requirements.